
Sofía Valerio Peña

Sofía Valerio Peña

Patient Demographics: Adult, Elderly

"My goal is to offer therapeutic spaces that promote emotional well-being, affective bonds and healthy life habits.
In addition, I am committed to practicing Psycho-Oncology and Palliative Care as disciplines that help improve the quality of life of people who live or accompany complex disease processes."

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About me

Since I was a teenager, I have been a volunteer in foundations for young people and adults with cancer, also with children and adolescents in a condition of psychosocial vulnerability; These experiences motivated me to study Psychology and cultivated my interest in better training. Later I decided to specialize in Psycho-Oncology and Palliative Care at a university abroad, this allowed me great personal growth and the development of a taste for cultural exchange and respect for differences.
My training and experience have allowed me a long career in the hospital field at a national and international level, as well as a vast journey in care for patients, families and caregivers from clinical psychology and health psychology.
I am an expert in crisis intervention, accompanying people and families with chronic diseases and grieving processes.




  • Bachelor's and Bachelor's Degree in Psychology with emphasis in HR administratio. Universidad de Costa Rica.
  • Master in Psycho-Oncology and Palliative Care. Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla.


  • College of Psychologists of Costa Rica cod. 10991Active

    Costa Rica

  • 2020 Honorable mention in Master in Psychooncology and Palliative Care - Complutense University of Madrid. Madrid Spain.
  • 2017 Mention of excellence in Bachelor of Psychology - University of Costa Rica. San Jose Costa Rica.
  • Ponente en “I Congreso Internacional para Líderes de Organizaciones de Pacientes”. Temática abordada “Desarrollo continua de la inteligencia emocional”. Federación de ONGs de Pacientes de Costa Rica. Noviembre 2020, San José, Costa Rica.Ponente en “IV Congreso Internacional de Psico-Oncología”. Temática abordada “Importancia de la atención integral del paciente oncológico con índices de calidad y calidez humana. La Pisco-oncología en Costa Rica: Un modelo de atención similar al INCan”. Instituto Nacional de Cancerología. Octubre 2019, Ciudad de México, México.Ponente en “III Encuentro de Administradores de Centros de Atención para Personas Adultas Mayores”. Temática abordada: “Cuidando al cuidador”. Universidad Estatal a Distancia. Noviembre 2017, San José, Costa Rica.