
Roy Alexander González Zumbado

Roy Alexander González Zumbado

Orthopedics and Traumatology
Patient Demographics: Adult, Elderly

"My goal is to provide professional, honest and transparent medical care. To treat the patient with empathy and humanity and that at the end of the consultation, all doubts and anxieties of the patient have been clarified and resolved."

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Procedures (16)

Articular hyaluronic acid injections
Femoroacetabular impingement
Hip arthroscopy
Knee and Hip Prosthesis Surgery
Total knee arthroplasty with prosthetic implant
General Inquiry
Articular infiltration
Carpal tunnel release
Carpal tunnel surgery
Hip fracture surgery
Knee arthroscopy
Periarticular infiltration
Plaster placement
Treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee with viscosupplementation
Ultrasound-guided injections
Unicompartmental knee prosthesis
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Medical conditions (12)

Cartilage and joints wear
Fractured hip
Genu varum
Hip pain
Joint pain
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Femur fracture
Genu valgum
Hip dysplasia
Knee ligament fracture
Meniscus problems
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General Info

About me

I became an orthopedist to help people regain function and improve their quality of life. I enjoy everything that encompasses orthopedics and traumatology, but I decided to specialize in knee and hip joint replacements because it awakens in me a real passion.


English, Español


  • Articular Replacements - University of Barcelona. Barcelona, Spain

  • Internship


  • Physicians and Surgeons College of Costa Rica cod. MED11709Active

    Medic and Surgeon - Costa Rica